Intelligence Agencies, are there to many?

July 19, 2010 § Leave a comment

This morning I heard a report announcing that investigations have revealed a large growth of intelligence gathering agencies in the U.S. since 9/11. But I wonder, are too many agencies of this sort a bad thing?

The Washington Post found during a two-year investigation that there are 1,900 private groups and 1,200 government run  groups working on things such as counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence at a total of 10,00 different places around the country.

The Post also said approximately 854,000 have top-secret security clearance. I don’t know how it is that “top-secret” if that many people can access but they say two heads are better than one and I guess 854,000 heads working together should prevent more large-scale terror plots from being carried out, at least I hope that is the case.

Keep in mind, that is just what they Post was able to find. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that there are so many intelligence agents and agencies it is hard to truly know about all of them. They may be more than what the Post discovered.

I think that as long as these agencies are getting the job done we should not worry about having to many of them in business. Can we take another 9/11?

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